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Virginia Gazette Index

London, Eng. (cont'd)

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  • +London, Eng.,
    • See also: Accidents in; Actors, French, in; Admiralty court in; Adultery in; Alms houses in; Americans abused in; Anecdotes from; Animal shows in; Annuities in; Antigallicans meeting in; Antiquities, price in; Antiquities discovered in; Apples, price in; Apothecaries in; Apprentices mistreated in; Arms called in; Arms to be exported from; Arrests, escape from in; Arson in; Art exhibitions in; Artisans arrive in; Assaults in; Attorneys in; Auctions in; Bakers in; Bakers company in; Bakers' raspings, price in; Balls, masquerade, in; Balls in; Bankruptcies in; Banquets in; Barley, price in; Bastards murdered in; Beans, price in; Beef, price in; Begging in; Bills of exchange on; Birds in; Births, statistics on in; Blackmail in; Blasphemy in; Bombazines, price in; Bonesetters in; Books, authors' payments in; Books published in; Booksellers in; Boston massacre, narratives about sold in; Boston massacre, pictures depicting sold in; Boston massacre discussed in; Boston massacre investigated in; Boston massacre, opposed in; Boston port bill, relief from by; Boston port bill opposed in; Boston tea party, effect of in; Boston tea party disapproved in; Bounties in; Boxing matches in; Breach of promise suits in; Bread, price high in; Bread, price in; Bread, price reduced in; Bread, price rises in; Breakfasts, described, in; Bribery in; Bridges in; Bridges, toll, in; British army, camps for in; British army, recruiting for in; British army from; British army from N. Am. to; British army in; British army to Boston, Mass., from; British army to British colonies, N. Am., from; British army to E. I. from; British army to Gibraltar, Sp., from; British army to Kent co., Eng.; British army to Minorca from; British army to N. Y. from; British army to N. Am. from; British army to St. Augustine, Fla., from; British army to St. Vincent is., W. I., from; British colonial policy, addresses on in; British colonial policy discussed in; British colonies, N. Am., conciliation favored in; British colonies, N. Am., petitions printed in; British colonies, N. Am., rights discussed in; British colonies, N. Am., supported in; British constitution upheld in; British ministry, change in rumored in; British ministry opposed in; British ministry weak in; British navy, impressment for in; British navy from Phila., Pa., to; British navy from St. Christopher, W. I., to; British navy to Am. from; British navy to Af. from; British navy to Biscay bay from; British navy to Boston, Mass., from; British navy to Cork, Ire., from; British navy to E. I. from; British navy to Hampton, Va., from; British navy to Jamaica, W. I., from; British navy to Mediterranean sea from; British navy to Tagus river, Sp., from; British navy to W. I. from; British sailors in; British transports from N. Y. to; Brothels in; Buildings in; Buildings, described, in; Bull baiting in; Bulls, mad, in; Bulls loose in; Burglary in; Cabinetmakers in; Camels in; Canals in; Cancer in; Card playing in; Cards, political, sold in; Carriage makers in; Carriages, horseless, invented in; Cartridges prepared in; Catch Club in; Cats, mad, in; Cattle, sales regulated in; Censorship in; Censorship of Halifax mail in; Census in; Charity in; Chemistry taught in; Children deserted in; Children murdered in; Chintz worn illegally in; Circuses in; Clergy, Anglican, fees charged in; Clergy in; Clock manufacture in; Cloth purchased in; Clothiers, property destroyed in; Clubs in; Clubs, women's, in; Coaches described in; Coachmakers in; Coal, price in; Coal heavers demonstration in; Coalheavers in; Cockmatches in; Coercive acts, repeal urged in; Coercive acts opposed in; Coffee men in; Coffeehouses in; Colonial agents, meeting in; Color extraction method discovered in; Comets announced in; Continental army supported in; Continental congress, first, supported in; Contraband of furnishings seized in; Conversation clubs; Convict servants exported from; Convict servants imported to Annapolis, Md., from; Convict servants imported to Rappahannock district, Va., from; Convict servants imported to Potomac district, Va., from; Convict servants imported to Va. from; Cooking teachers in; Cooks, French, employed in; Cooks, French, salary in; Copyright laws discussed in; Corn, import to; Corn, price forced up in; Corn, price high in; Corn price in; Corn, price reduced in; Corn market in; Counterfeiting in; Criminals in; Crisis printed in; Customhouses in; Dancers in; Deaths, statistics on in; Deaths in; Debating in; Debtors discharged in; Debtors in; Debtors rights tried in; Diamond shoe buckles in; Diamond stomachers evaluated in; Diets in; Diseases in; Diseases of children in; Dissection of humans in; Distemper among horses in; Distemper in; Divorces in; Divorces of Jews in; Dogs kill children in; Duels in; Duties, amount collected in; Dwarfs in; Dwelling houses built in; Dyes discovered in; Eagles, abnormal in; E. India co., British, opposed by; East Indians in; Eating contests in; Effigies burned in; Effigies hanged in; Election bribery in; Elections in; Elephants in; Elopements in; Elves imported to; Embezzlement in; Emigration from; Emigration from Va. to; Endowments in; Engravings in; Entertainments, public, suppressed in; Entertainments in; Epilepsy in; Episcopate, American, opposed in; Excavations in; Exchange, rates of, between; Executions for murders in; Executions in; Exhibitions in; Explosions in; Exports from; Exports from Cadiz, Sp., to; Exports from Charleston, S. C., to; Exports from Hampton, Va., to; Exports from Holl. to; Exports from James river, lower district, Va., to; Exports from James river, upper district, Va., to; Exports from James river, Va., to; Exports from Leith, Scot., to; Exports from Md. to; Exports from Pensacola, Fla., to; Exports from Rappahanock district, Va., to; Exports from Severn river to; Exports from S. C. to; Exports from South Potomac district, Va., to; Exports from Va. to; Exports from W. I. to; Exports from York district, Va., to; Extortion in; Eye gouging in; Famines in; Farmer's letters praised in; Fashions, described, in; Fashions in; Felony caused by unemployment in; Female coterie of; Fencing bouts in; Fights in; Fire engines in; Fire-fighting machine demonstrated in; Fire-fighting methods improved in; Fire prevention machines invented in; Fires in; Fireworks in; Fish, price in; Fishmongers' company in; Floods in; Flour, price in; Flour scarce in; Fogs in; Foot races in; Forgeries charged in; Forgeries in; Fowls, price in; Fraud, trials for in; Frauds in; Freedom of press, suits denying in; Freedom of press attacked in; Freedom of press denied in; Freedom of press supported in; Freedom of press violated in; Freemasons in; French nobility in; French subjects in; Frost in; Gambling in; Gardens in; Gin shops, licenses denied in; Gin sold illegally in; Gold, price in; Gold coin scarce in; Gold coined in; Gout in; Grass mowers invented in; Guineas coined in; Gunpowder purchased in; Haberdashers' company in; Hairdressers in; Half crowns coined in; Halfpence coined in; Harpsichord makers in; Hat manufacture in; Hazard (game) played in; Heating system in; Highwaymen in; Homosexuality in; Hops, price low in; Horse racing from; Horsemanship exhibitions in; Horses abnormal in; Horses sold in; Hospitals, foundling in; Hospitals, insane in; Hospitals, lying-in in; Houses, price in; Hurricanes in; Hydrophobia in; Illuminations in; Immigration to; Immigration to Va. from; Imports to; Imports to Boston, Mass., from; Imports to Charleston, S. C., from; Imports to Charlestown, Mass., from; Imports to Hampton, Va., from; Imports to James river, lower district, Va., from; Imports to James river, upper district, Va., from; Imports to James river, Va., from; Imports to Mobile Ala., from; Imports to New York City from; Imports to Providence, R. I., from; Imports to Rappahannock district, Va., from; Imports to St. Augustine, Fla., from; Imports to Sandy Hook, N. J., from; Imports to south Potomac district, Va., from; Imports to Va. from; Imports to Williamsburg, Va., from; Imports to York district, Va., from; Imports to Yorktown Va., from; Impressment for British navy in; Impressment for British navy prevented in; Imprisonment for libel in; Indentured servants, children sold as in; Indentured servants from; Indentured servants imported to Annapolis, Md., from; Indentured servants imported to James river, lower district, Va., from; Indentured servants imported to James river, Va., from; Indentured servants imported to Md. from; Indentured servants imported to Rappahannock district, Va., from; Indentured servants imported to Va. from; Indentured servants imported to York district, Va., from; Indentured servants to Md. from; Indians in; Insanity in; Insolvency act violated in; Insurance, marine, declines in; Insurance, marine, rates fall in; Insurance, marine, rates in; Insurance, marine, rates increase in; Insurance, marine, trials in; International relations discussed in; Irish laborers riot in; Iron, softening method invented in; Irrigation scheme proposed in; Jailers in; Jails constructed in; Jails in; Jesuits arrested in; Jesuits arrive in; Jesuits in; Jewellers in; Jewish synagogue in; Jews, celebration in; Jews frauds by in; Jews arrested for murder in; Jews executed for robbery in; Jews in; Jews tried for murder in; Juvenile delinquincy in; Kidnapping in; Laundry service in; Lawyers establish benefits for widows in; Leather, tanning method invented in; Lectures on astronomy in; Lexington and Concord, battle of, conflicting reports discussed in; Lexington and Concord, battle of, denied in; Lexington and Concord, battle of, news of reaches; Libel, trials for in; Libel suits in; Lifting contests in; Lighting for streets in; Lightning in; Linen, import to Norfolk, Va., from; Lions in; Liquor, drinking of in; Lodgings, adv. of in; Lotteries in; Lotteries omitted in; Luxury criticized in; Macaronis, customs described in; Magicians in; Mail carts invented in; Maimings in; Malt, scarce in; Manicurists in; Manslaughter in; Mantua makers in; Maps of America sold in; Markets in; Marriages in; Masquerades discontinued in; Masquerades for children given in; Masquerades in; Mass houses suppressed in; Meat, price in; Melons, price in; Merchandise ordered for British colonies, N. Am., in; Merchandise ordered for Dominica, W. I., in; Merchandise ordered for N. Y. in; Merchandise ordered for Pensacola, Fla., in; Merchandise ordered for St. Augustine, Fla., in; Merchandise ordered for St. John river, Fla., in; Merchandise ordered in; Merchandise returned from; Merchandise returned from Boston, Mass., to; Merchandise smuggled in; Merchandise to be imported to Phila. Pa., from; Merchants in; Merchants, Scotch, in; Meteors in; Methodists, fanatics in; Military stores, export from; Militia of; Milliners, adv. of in; Mints, royal, in; Misers in; Mobs in; Monarchy criticized in; Money, French, plentiful in; Money, transportation to; Money excavated in; Money found in; Money remitted to; Monuments proposed in; Multiple births in; Murder, trials for, in; Murders attempted in; Murders in; Museums in; Negroes establish club in; Newgate prison; News carriers in; Newspapers, seventeenth century auctioned in; Non-exportation agreements, effect in; Non-importation agreements, effect in; Non-importation agreements supported in; Oak in; Oats, import to; Oats price in; Oil, whale, imported to; Opera in; Opera, Italian, in; Orange girls in; Oratorios in; Oxen, price in; Oxen at large in; Oysters, price in; Pageants in; Palatines emigrate from; Pamphlets, libelous character of in; Pamphlets burned in; Pamphlets destroyed in; Pamphlets published in; Peas, price in; Peas, green, price in; Perjury in; Petition, right of supported in; Pewterers in; Physicians, college of, in; Physicians from; Pickpockets in; Pigeon races in; Pippins, price in; Pirates executed in; Pirates to be executed in; Plays opposed in; Plays presented in; Poisoning in; Poisons discovered in; Polygamy in; Pork, price in; Portrait painting in; Post chaise, running time to; Postal service between; Postal service between N. Y. and; Postal service in; Prayers for poor in; Preaching in; Preaching restricted in; Price control favored in; Price control in; Prices current in; Prices high in; Printers in; Printing houses in; Prisoners of war, American, escape in; Prisoners of war, American, subscription for relief of in; Prisoners of war, American, treatment in; Privateers, American, in; Privateers, American, to be held in custody in; Privateers, British, recruiting for in; Prize fighting in; Prize ships, French, condemned in; Prizes for threshing machines in; Prostitutes apprehended in; Prostitutes in; Provisions for British navy prepared in; Puppet shows in; Quadruplets in; Quakers attend annual meeting in; Quakers in; Quartering opposed in; Quebec act, petition (text) against by; Quebec act opposed in; Raccoons loose in; Races from; Races in; Rags, price declines in; Rape attempted in; Rape in; Revolutionary war, American disadvantages reported in; Revolutionary war, American victory prophecied in; Revolutionary war, conduct criticized in; Revolutionary war, continuance supported in; Revolutionary war, peace petitioned for in; Revolutionary war, peace supported in; Revolutionary war opposed in; Revolutionary war supported in; Rice, spirits distilled in; Riot act read in; Riots in; Robberies, grave, in; Robberies, mail, in; Robberies, prevention suggested in; Robberies attempted in; Robberies in; Robberies near; Roman Catholics, number in; Roman Catholics arrested in; Roman Catholics in; Roman Catholics persecuted in; Roses, price in; Royal academy in; Royal society in; Rum, price in; Rye, price in; Saddlers' company; St. George's fields massacre described in; St. Patrick's day celebrated in; Salmon, price in; Satires on elections in; Sawyers destroy mills in; Scaffolding devices invented in; Schools, charity, in; Self-mutilation in; Sermons preached in; Ships built in; Ships damaged in storms in; Ships for sale in; Ships from; Ships from Amsterdam, Holl., to; Ships from Antigua, W. I., to; Ships from Appomattox river, Va., to; Ships from Baltimore, Md., to; Ships from Barbados, W. I., to; Ships from Bermuda Hundred, Va., to; Ships from Bombay, India, to; Ships from Boston, Mass., to; Ships from Boyd's hole, Va., to; Ships from Brest, Fr., to; Ships from Burwell's ferry, Va., to; Ships from Canary is., to; Ships from Cape Fear, N. C., to; Ships from Charleston, S. C., to; Ships from Chester, Pa., to; Ships from City point, Va., to; Ships from Claiborne's ferry, Va., to; Ships from E. I., to; Ships from Gambia, Af., to; Ships from Geenland to; Ships from Guinea, Af., to; Ships from Hampton, Va., to; Ships from Hull, Eng., to; Ships from India to; Ships from Jamaica, W. I., to; Ships from James river, Va., to; Ships from Leedstown, Va., to; Ships from Leith, Scot., to; Ships from Littlepage's, Va., to; Ships from Madras, India, to; Ships from Md. to; Ships from Mattapony river, Va., to; Ships from Messina, Sicily, to; Ships from Monaco, Eur., to; Ships from Montreal, Can., to; Ships from Mosquito coast, Nic., to; Ships from Nantes, Fr., to; Ships from Nevis, W. I., to; Ships from New York City to; Ships from Newbury, Mass., to; Ships from Norfolk, Va., to; Ships from Pamunkey river, Va., to; Ships from Phila., Pa., to; Ships from Pianketank river, Va., to; Ships from Pondichery, India, to; Ships from Port Egmont, Falkland is., to; Ships from Portsmouth, Va., to; Ships from Potomac district, Va., to; Ships from Providence, R. I., to; Ships from Quantico, Va., to; Ships from Quebec, Can., to; Ships from Rappahannock district, Va., to; Ships from Rotterdam, Holl., to; Ships from St. Christopher, W. I., to; Ships from St. John's, Nfd., to; Ships from Sarah's creek, Va., to; Ships from Severn river, Va., to; Ships from S. C. to; Ships from South river, Md., to; Ships from Va. to; Ships from W. I. to; Ships from West point, Va., to; Ships from York district, Va., to; Ships from Yorktown, Va., to; Ships' sailing time; Ships to; Ships to Annapolis, Md., from; Ships to Antigua, W. I., from; Ships to Baltimore, Md., from; Ships to Bermuda from; Ships to Boston, Mass., from; Ships to Charleston, S. C., from; Ships to Chesapeake bay from; Ships to Edenton, N. C., from; Ships to Grenada, W. I., from; Ships to Hampton, Va., from; Ships to Hampton roads, Va., from; Ships to Jamaica, W. I., from; Ships to James river, Va., from; Ships to Kingston, Jamaica, W. I., from; Ships to Marblehead, Mass., from; Ships to Md. from; Ships to Nansemond river, Va., from; Ships to Nantasket; Mass., from; Ships to New London, Conn., from; Ships to New Providence, W. I., from; Ships to New York City; Ships to Newburyport, Mass., from; Ships to Newport, R. I., from; Ships to Norfolk, Va., from; Ships to N. Am. from; Ships to Patuxent river, Md., from; Ships to Pensacola, Fla., from; Ships to Phila., Pa., from; Ships to Pianketank river, Va., from; Ships to Portsmouth, N. H., from; Ships to Potomac district, Va., from; Ships to Providence, R. I., from; Ships to Quebec, Can., from; Ships to Rappahannock district, Va., from; Ships to St. Christopher, W. I., from; Ships to St. John, Antigua, W. I., from; Ships to Salem, Mass., from; Ships to Sandy hook, N. J., from; Ships to S. C. from; Ships to Tobago, W. I., from; Ships to Va. from; Ships to Ware river, Mass., from; Ships to W. I. from; Ships to Williamsburg, Va., from; Ships to York district, Va., from; Ships to Yorktown, Va., from; Shipwrecks in; Shipwrecks off; Shipwrecks on passage to; Shoemakers invent new method in; Shot, buck, cast in; Silk manufactures decline in; Silk manufactures in; Silk returned from Boston, Mass., to; Silver, price in; Silver coined in; Silver coin scarce in; Singers, salaries in; Singers in; Skeletons in; Skins smuggled to; Slaves imported to James river, upper district, Va., from; Slaves imported to York district, Va., from; Slaves travel to; Smallpox inoculation discussed in; Smallpox inoculations in; Smuggling in; Snow in; Sociery of arts, manufactures, and commerce in; Society of supporters of bill of rights elects new members in; Sodomy in; Sons of Liberty in; Stamp act, distributors arrive in; Stamp act, repeal, betting on in; Stamp act, repeal, anniversary celebrated in; Stamp act, repeal celebrated in; Stamp act, repeal discussed in; Starvation in; Statues in; Stealing in; Steeple jacks in; Stock brokerages built in; Stock exchange in; Stock sold in; Storms in; Storms near; Strawberries, price in; Streets paved in; Strikes in; Strollers, Italian, in; Sugar, price rises in; Suicides attempted in; Suicides in; Summary view of the rights of British America quoted in; Surgeons in; Surgery in; Swans killed by oil in; Swindlers in; Tailors, adv. of in; Tailors, journeymen, in; Tailors in; Tar, price in; Taverns in; Taxation of colonies opposed in; Taxation of colonies upheld in; Tea, boycott supported in; Tea, imitations opposed in; Tea, import to Boston, Mass., from; Tea, Labradore, sampled in; Tea, price in; Tea for sale in; Tea returned from Charleston, S. C., to; Tea returned from Md. to; Tea returned from Phila., Pa., to; Tea seized in; Tea smuggled in; Tenements for sale in; Tennis matches in; Theatres in; Tories in; Tower of London; Town planning in; Townshend acts, repeal discussed in; Townshend acts opposed in; Trade, British-American, importance considered in; Trade, British-American, refused in; Trade, British-American, revives in; Transportation to colonies from; Travel, notices of departure to; Travel from Va. to; Treason, imprisonment for in; Treason, trials for in; Treason in; Trial by jury supported in; Triplets in; Trunkmakers in; Turks in; Turtles, unusual in; Turtles, West Indian, price in; Twins in; Unemployment in; United States, honor praised in; Usury trials in; Vagrancy in; Vandalism in; Veal, price in; Veal, price high in; Violinists in; Warehouses in; Watchmakers in; Watchmen in; Water supply mechanized in; Watermen in; Watermen's company; Waxworks in; Weather reports from; Weavers, journeymen, in; Weavers in; Weavers unemployed in; Whale fins, import to; Wheat, export from; Wheat, import to; Wheat, price in; Wheat, price low in; Wheat, price rises in; Whitsunday celebrated in; Wills published in; Women arrested in; Wooden bridges, Italian, copied in; Writing masters in
  • +London, H. M. S.,